Thursday, May 14, 2020

Gardening - Starts from seed

Gardening is another hobby I enjoy. I recently started some herbs, root veggies and flowers from seed. I will post pictures as they continue to grow. This will be my first attempt at root veggies in a pot. My second with string beans as well as with herbs. I love having the herbs sit on my kitchen windowsill. Do you have any experience with growing herbs, if so, what have you learned along the way? Do you have any tips/tricks? I can say in the little experience I have with gardening the one thing that gets me more often than not is when I forget about It can be another full time job depending on how much you plant. I have found that setting a reminder in the summer for watering the outdoor plants helps. I have made habit of setting reminders and alarms for a lot of the things I find myself forgetting and I do this until I have made habit of it. I can't wait to see how well my root veggies do. I have to say the one root veggie I want to grow is potatoes. I have yet to do so. Does anyone have any experience or advice on the best methods? I will say I don't get a lot of sunlight so I am hesitant to do to much planting.

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