Saturday, July 20, 2024

Time to begin again....

The last four years have flown by and for any of you that have followed or any of you that happen to stumble across my site Thank you for stopping in. I have built and experience so much life that I am grateful. Unfortunately, this blog was one of the things I had to put a pause on and here is to picking up where I left off. My intention when I began was for sharing inspiration and experience. Pictured below is a favorite place to vacation. Many of you may recognize the amphitheater, Here is to Hayden Homes and their love of music. Something many of us have in common! 

Here is to what comes next. 



Monday, August 17, 2020

Wallace Falls State Park

 Wallace Falls State Park

This was an awesome trip. The falls were beautiful and the hike was a bit tiring but enjoyed nonetheless. I got to spend quality time with those I hold most dear. 

Sunday, August 2, 2020


So I tend to let myself go days and sometimes weeks at a time without a post. Not to make excuses for those of you that follow or check in often but, recently our family has been kept very busy. I wanted to jump on and give a quick shout out to all of my family and friends that have made themselves available to help where and when ever they can help. Here is a lil reminder that no matter what life brings their is always a positive even if you have to look a lil harder to find it! 

Much Love and until next time...

 Life is what you make... so make it AMAZING!

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Toddler Fun

 No mess painting. I had to try this out with my one year old. We started with a few colors and she liked it. It’s a great sensory craft and I think if I add more colors she would like it a bit more. However, it held her attention for about 15 min. So I would say it a win. Great idea. Check back for more fun and creative ideas for your little ines

Friday, July 17, 2020


I have started adding a netting to my blueberries as they begin to ripen. This helps to save my blueberries from the birds and deer. I have harvested more so far this season than in past.

 My youngest was almost eating them as fast as I was picking them. She even tried helping. 

I have had my blueberries for over 4 years and recently I have added coffee and egg shells to soil. This help in a couple ways. It adds acidity to the soil which is great for the fruit and it also acts as a great deterrent for slugs. Slugs will stay away from any plant that you sprinkle with a coffee and egg shell mix it cuts up their bellies and they will avoid it. 

For more information on gardening hacks follow me and see what I have learned from the ideas and tips I have found and explored to see the truth in how well they really work. 

Long time no post

Life is full of unexpected moments. While it seems that something always trying to keep you from doing what you enjoy it’s only a matter of time until you can get back to it. That is if you truly enjoyed it! 

Excuse me for my recent absence and for those of you that know me you understand that family comes first and the last week my most important and cherished, my children, needed me. However, I am here and I brought with me a few updates and some new ideas we have made the time to explore. For those of you that follow thank you. 

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

10 Benefits of Coffee

I have not always been a coffee drinker. I have found coffee to be a go to drink. My favorite a Caramel Macchiato preferably iced. 

I have added a couple links to help you better understand the benefits of drinking coffee. 
So many people often hear the negatives of different a food that are also very good for you. I am hear to remind you of those benefits. Even better try to help you understand how they benefit you. 

I am happy to hear your comments and see your interest. 

Until next time, Stay well. 

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Raspberry From seeds -germinating

Well this is another new and first time project For me. I have taken fresh organic raspberries and used my kitchen aid to make a seedless jam. 
I have taken and cleaned the seeds. 
Laid the seeds out to dry per a blog I read.

Once they are dry I will separate them from the remainder of the flesh and then plant them in small individual biodegradable containers. Hopefully they will sprout! 
Here goes... I will follow up with the more pictures and information as I make progress. 

Until then, stay well. 

Monday, July 6, 2020

Lavender Lemonade

There is nothing like fresh lemons and a few sprigs of Lavender in your lemonade.

When you have been inspired it’s easy to enjoy even your smallest creations. This one was simple and satisfying. Calming and refreshing. Finding uses for my fresh lavender has been easier than I though once I harvested the handfuls from my garden. I find joy and satisfaction in so many small things. Small things like this. Life is full of small moments, find what brings you joy and cherish it! 

10 Benefits of Raspberries

Raspberries have always been a favorite fruit of mine. 

After trying Yellow Raspberries for the first time... yummm. Nothing like a fresh picked Raspberry! 

There are a few links I will post below that will give you more detail of how raspberries are beneficial. 

Those of use that don’t like waste and enjoy the Holistic benefits of  plants and herbs. Raspberry Leaf also has health benefits. 

When I was trying to get pregnant with my 3rd child I enjoyed raspberry leaf tea. I found honey to be the best sweetener. Especially the flavored honey. You will find a couple links below to give more information about raspberry